Buried Heart—Jacqueline West

You could find me here if you came back
retracing your steps through the thick woods

You could find me beginning to soften
beneath dead leaves, mold-silver edges chewed 

by dew and crowds of mushrooms, eyeless
witnesses emerging from the moss 

You could find me buried in bracken, host
to pearly slugs and roots like nerves

with everything I once kept to myself—
love, kiss, heartbeat, dream—now opened

like a treasure box for the forest’s fingers
to softly paw through and soon enough

when you come, if you come, there will be
nothing to find but warm decay

seeping into a thousand lives and blood 
that loved you melting back to the earth

Jacqueline West’s poetry has appeared in Mythic Delirium, Strange Horizons, Liminality, Enchanted Living, and Star*Line. Her first full-length collection, Candle and Pins: Poems on Superstitions, was released in 2018 (Hiraeth Publishing). She is also the author of the NYT-bestselling middle grade series The Books of Elsewhere, the YA horror novel Last Things, and several other award-winning books for young readers. A three-time nominee for both the Rhysling Award and the Pushcart Prize, Jacqueline lives with her family in Red Wing, Minnesota. Find her at jacquelinewest.com or on IG at jacqueline.west.writes.