At the Heart of Otherlands—Faith Allington

In the fairy tale, always 
something has called you, the trick   
is to discover what.  

It starts with a shadow  
like a cat that comes calling,  
purring velvety at your legs.  

The same alchemy is asked  
of you to enter, you must reveal 
the center of your own maze,  
unlock the doors you find there.  

The fruits you are offered  
will not dissolve the glamour  
like they always told you,  
only strengthen it.  

You will turn all to glass 
to be filled with columbine and ferns,  
with jasmine and peonies  
and all the ruby blooming of hope,  
no longer forced to live  
in the land that grief leaves behind.  

The air is salt and honey  
on your cheeks, we shed the heavy   
clumsy weight of being human,  
cut our true selves out   
of the dark, survive drowning 
by holding our breath for years.  

We came prepared to find death 
but the Otherlands are too bright for dying,  
make bronze out of the bleak things  
we shoved inside the walls  
of our own hearts,  
filling all the gaps with conjurings. 

Faith Allington is a writer, gardener and lover of mystery parties who resides in Seattle. Her work has recently appeared in various literary journals, including The Fantastic Other, The Quarter(ly), Bowery Gothic and FERAL.