Provincial Life Cycles—Jane Feinsod

The Land of Tiny Needles. 
The Kingdom of Heavy Pools, 

Any ghost is welcome, 
I am handing out passports 

free roaming through realms
I am naming. 

In the Township of Abandoned Detox Centers,
I am the tour guide. 

I am the ferryman. 
I am the very best in the business. 

In the City of Pork Belly Dinners,
It will only take about
three thousand years. 

I love you, Philosophic Soul. 
I am going to kiss you all over. 

The Republic of Sexless Marriage.
In the Village of Gentle Paroxysm,

“Good morning, magicians.”
I am the town crier.
“Good morning, dungeon dwellers.” 

I am the butcher’s apprentice. 
I am skinning the goats. 

I am feeling very sorry for them 
in the Metropolis of Lost Causes.

I am showing the newcomers around. I love you, 
nomads. I am going to eat you all up, 
here in this place.

Jane Feinsod received her MFA from UMass Amherst, where she was named a Rose Fellow and served as the poetry editor of Paperbark Magazine. She was nominated for the 2022 Best New Poets Anthology, and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Redivider, Arkansas International, Orange Blossom Review, and elsewhere. She is a lecturer at UMass Amherst.